- A BABY space dedicated to food diversification (from 4-6 months): consultations witha baby feeding professional, theoretical and practical advice, methods ofdiversification (purees, introduction of pieces, DME), menus and recipes adapted tochewing abilities and specific nutritional needs of babies, messagingassistance.- A BAMBIN space dedicated to feeding children from 1 to 6 years old:consultations with a child feeding professional, theoretical advice andpractices, methodology for building simple and balanced menus, batch cooking andrecipes suitable for the whole family, videos from different experts (dietitian,speech therapist, psychologist, sleep consultant) on frequent difficultiesencountered around childrens meals (eating disorders, oral disorders,irritating behaviors, rhythm or sleep problems, etc.).To register for one of our programs, go to our site:https://alimentation.hamstouille.fr/Follow us on Instagram for daily info:https://www.instagram.com/hamstouille_bebehttps://www.instagram.com/hamstouille_bambinQuestions / remarks:
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